Superior Commercial Roofs

Roof Asset Management

Roof Asset Management should not be complicated!

Our methodology simplifies Roof Asset Management!
Superior’s Asset Management Program provides important financial guidance when facing difficult repair or replacement decisions.


Roof Asset Management should not cost you money. It is a part of doing business.
Unlike other large commercial roofing contractors that try using Roof Asset Management and online client access as a hook or commit tool to lock your organization to long-term contracts. Superior offers these services at no cost and with no commitments.
Providing customers data to aid them in making better decisions should be every contractor’s goal when supporting their customers.


Superior has account managers that are dedicated to helping you make good decisions!
Our account managers are constantly evaluating your account and will let you know if they see ways to help your organization save money managing your building’s roofs. Our methodology is simple, we continually look over key areas of our customers’ accounts to see what we can help them improve on. These key areas include leak repair history, roof warranty inspection, updated roof inventory, and quarterly cost analysis. We compare your annual repair costs with the cost of completing a comprehensive repair or replacing the roof. 


Superior uses these tools to help with the above service:

  • Roof Inspections
  • Asset Management
  • Portfolio Management
  • Online Customer Portal
  • Drone Thermal and 4K inspections


Roofing Services

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Roof Inspections

How can you make a good decision without accurate information?

Drone Thermal

Advanced Technology for Smarts Decisions

Online Customer Portal

Welcome to the future of roofing services management.

Roof Preventive Maintainence

Maintained roofs last over 25% longer than roofs that are not maintained!

Large Portfolio Management

Let Superior save you money by updating your current roof inspection program!

Drone 4K Inspection

Fast, Effective Commercial Roof inspections!